
May 13, 2010

Sushi is cooked vinegared rice that is commonly topped with other ingredients, such as fish or other seafood, or put into rolls. Sliced raw fish alone is called sashimi, as distinct from sushi. Sushi that is served rolled inside or around dried and pressed layer sheets ofseaweed (or nori) is makizushi. Toppings stuffed into a small pouch of fried tofu isinarizushi. Toppings served scattered over a bowl of sushi rice is called chirashi-zushi.
actually i don't like sushi. it feel weird on my tongue. but last week my friends invite me to eat sushi at ic*ib*n sushi, mal cipu**a. i tried the first sushi with crab topping, "aneh" i said. second sushi, is crispy and i like it. hehehe.. i think if i gonna eat sushi i will order this kind of sushi. ( ‾ε‾ )

i like this ƪ(♥o♥)ʃ

quote of the day
A friend has never seen you cry. A real friend has a shoulders soggy from your tears